Prince Harry and Megan Markle in Carriage procession 6 years ago,19.05.2018
Type of content/material photo | Plik nr Xb2XP0
Description of content/material
Megan Markle and Prince Harry in carriage during procession outside windsor castle.
- Basic information
- Type of content/material photo
- Category:
- Paparazzi / Celebrities
- Format:
- jpg
- Resolution:
- 3252x2162
- File size:
- 1.13M
- Camera:
- NIKON D3200
- Key words:
royal wedding, megan markle, prince harry, celebryci, Ślub, ang lia, windsor castle, windsor
- Ile osób kupiło materiał:
- 0
- Submitted:
- 2018-05-19 23:10:55
- Language:
- English
- User:
- Kuba Hryniewicki
- Typ materialu:
- Reportage
Price: 50.00 PLN
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